Saturday, January 26, 2008

Going Home!!!

To dance
like nobody's watching; to
love like you've never been hurt;

to sing like nobody's listening; to live like
it's heaven on

This has been really long due...I have to admit i was lost and it's not easy to find your way back home. Iam still not home but there are times i feel i am getting there.

"Hope is a good thing, its the best of things and no good thing ends bad"

- Morgan Freeman (Shawsank Redemption)

Maybe all this time i was just trying to survive on hope and a little smoke.but sooner or later one realizes that...On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero. The things you own end up owning you.The people you know end up disowning you.The places you go end up going away from you...It's strange when you realize after travelling so long and so alone that all you ever wanted to reach was HOME. There was a time very long ago when i knew what home was,where it was and how did one get back home but now after coming so far and learning so much i have lost what i once knew i had.The biggest Irony of life is that even when u know u want to go back u cannot go back,there are no reverse gears in this vehicle.When u step aside and think back u realize that all of us share a common destiny of getting to ur perceived goals in life or die trying ...

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